Sunday, April 4, 2010

8 weeks...

Made it to 8 weeks! Whew. So we're 2/3 of the way through the much loathed first trimester. Yay! Wheee! I have another doc appointment tomorrow - another ultra-sound on the books and I am so excited to take a sneak peak at that little alien growing in me. I've made my husband promise to actually stay in the room this time so that he can experience it as well. He was a bit weirded out at the first ultrasound. I get it. It's uncomfortable territory for a guy. I mean, there are little gizmos labeled "pap smear" in the room, and a spread eagle view of the female anatomy on a poster on the wall staring you right in the face. If I was a dude, I'd be weirded out,too. Plus, the thing no one really mentions to guys (myself included because I wasn't exactly sure how it would go down, but I did suspect...) is that these first precious views into your belly can only be obtained by going up the vag. Yep. It's an INTERNAL thing. So when the nurse told me to undress from the waist down, the hubs turned a whiter shade of pale.

We're still plugging along. The morning sickness, or in my case, constant nausea if I'm not stuffing food in my mouth, is still lurking. I think I'm learning how to manage it. Pretty much, I need to eat all the time. I was so naieve thinking that going into this pregnancy I was going to be the gold-star healthy eater - lots of veg, nothing bad for me, yadda yadda. Wrong-o. I mean, I'm not diving into a pint of Hagan Daz every night - in fact I haven't had ANY ice cream - but with food aversions and cravings and nausea, the whole eating thing is tricky. Add to the pile the feeling of exhaustion and even though you know that you should take a nice long stroll through the neighborhood after dinner, the couch and tv are just so damn appealing. So, already the pants are beginning to feel a little snug, a bit earlier than I had hoped, but I'm just trying to take each day as it comes and do what I can to muddle through. I'm going to eat what I can keep down, even if that's a meatball sub from Subway.

I also feel a little guilty for complaining so much about feeling so icky. So, I have discovered one pregnancy bonus. My skin is gorgeous! I mean, I never had BAD skin, per-se. I struggled with some blackheads here and there, and my chin was always prone to breakouts. But since getting knocked up, my skin is smooth, and clear and lovely. Thank you pregnancy hormones for this one bonus prize in addition to our little bundle.

31 weeks and six days to go....

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