Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Woe is me...

Last night was a rough night.  The baby had me up at 3am with some swift jabs to the bladder.  I'm also struggling with a dose of some sort of stomach funkiness.  And then there's the flu shot residue - that "I don't feel great, but it's not a full blown cold, and I know it's just my body building antibodies and trying to fight something that isn't there, but please, will someone bring me chicken soup and tuck me in and let me sleep until it all goes away" feeling.  That about sums it up.  Tummy trouble + mock flu + lack of sleep = little miss cranky-pants.

If I didn't have so much to do - so much I need to finish up before the baby gets here - both for work and at home, I'd just crash out for the day today.  But at least I have the luxury of working in my pj's this morning with a cup of hot herbal tea and a snuggly puppy to keep me warm.

18 days and counting... 

(yes, I'm switching to just days now...because, well, it's seriously any day now.)

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