Saturday, October 30, 2010

38 Weeks!

Yep.  Still here.  And I think I've had enough of this magical time, thanks.  You know, what with the backaches, carpal tunnel, joints that feel arthritic, indigestion, crazy Braxton-Hicks contractions, painful kicks to various internal organs, itchy skin, swollen hands and ankles, fatigue, mood swings, and strange energy spurts that later leave me exhausted.  The newest sensation this week: every once and a while I feel this weird buzz down a leg or in my elbow or down my arm.  It feels a bit like an electrical zap.  But it's just another way for the baby to entertain herself by bumping against the nerves in my pelvis.  She's so inventive, our little girl!
I am dancing on a fine line of unbelievable excitement that we'll soon have our newborn girl in our arms, and ultimate terror that we'll soon have to take her home and, you know, keep her alive and stuff.  For like 18 plus years.

So, the waiting continues - that's really all I can say.  It's all we really think about.  Every morning I get up and think, "maybe today's the day!"  For the most part, we're ready.  I mean, there's always going to be something that didn't get done, and I'm learning to embrace that.  In the meantime, I think I'll re-read Beckett's "Waiting for Godot."  Seems appropriate.

14 days and counting...

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