Saturday, October 9, 2010

Happy Anniversary.

Signing the Ketubah
On the ninth day of October, in the year two-thousand and five, in Washington, DC, the groom, Scott Robert Weygandt, and the bride, Irene Eleanor Gustovia Bonham, joined each other before family and friends to enter into a mutual covenant of marriage, and with love and compassion each vowed to the other:  "You are my true love and my teacher, you are my model and my accomplice, and you are my true counterpart.  I will love you, hold you, and honor you.  I will respect you, encourage you, and cherish you, in health and sickness, through sorrow and success, for all the days of my life."

Wedding Ceremony
Today, I celebrate five years of a loving marriage to my husband.  I always tell people that when I first met Scott, I knew - right away - that we'd be in a relationship.  What I didn't know was that he was the love of my life.  But I learned it pretty quick.  After two dates, I fell hard, and that - as they say - was all she wrote.  Our wedding day was truly one of the happiest days of my life.  The above is printed on our Ketubah - which is sort of art meets prenup and is signed by a couple prior to the wedding ceremony.  It's a Jewish tradition that we both find lovely, even though technically, neither of us is a practicing member of the tribe.  (Working in theatre, and having a Jewish grandmother, I have what I call "Jew envy." Such wonderful traditions.  And food.)  It now hangs in our living room and I read it from time to time.  These are our wedding vows and they continue to ring true.  There is no one on this earth who compliments me better than my husband.  He continues to be my true counterpart.

First Dance
In about a month from now, two will become three as we welcome our daughter to our little family.  As we prepare to meet her, I have to say that I am thankful that Scott and I have had the past five years (and some change) together.  Just us two.  That we've made a life together first.  That we really, truly know one another.  The buttons to push.  The buttons not to.  Our marriage is stronger because of it, and I believe it will help us to be better parents.  I am so excited about the next step in our journey together.  Parenthood.  It's wild.  I look forward to watching Scott grow into his new role as father.  I am so anxious for that moment when I see him hold his daughter for the first time, I swear, it has me welling up at this very moment.  Pretty amazing to think about, isn't it?  That something so incredible - a new life, a whole new person - was created because two people fell in love. 

So, needless to say, today's blog is dedicated to my loving husband.  Not many girls get to experience a taste of "happily ever after."  We live a charmed life together, you and I.  I am grateful for every day I get to spend with you.  I am grateful for a blissful five years of marriage.  Happy anniversary - and here's looking to at least fifty more.

Last dance together at our wedding.

1 comment:

  1. Such a beautiful tribute and wedding pictures. Thank you for sharing such a special time in your lives. You were a beautiful bride and its easy to see the love between you and Scott. Congratulations to you two lovebirds and I wish you many, many more years of blissfulness, shared now by a beautiful baby daughter. Life doesn't get much better (until more babies arrive!), so embrace it!
