Friday, May 7, 2010


Pregnancy sleep is the most amazing sleep ever.

Seriously. Ever. Forever and ever the end.

I haven't slept this well since my honeymoon when we'd fall asleep after a day of sun and rum drinks and heat to the sound of waves on the shore. It was a type of satisfaction that only a tropical all-inclusive resort vacation can deliver.

This might even be better.

And I KNOW sleep. I am a sleep enthusiast and champion. If sleeping were a professional sport, I would be sponsored by Serta. I love to sleep. I look forward to it every day. I love the ritual of it: getting a glass (or in my case, a special mini-pitcher) of water, taking it up to bed, changing into pj's, climbing into a big bed full of pillows and soft, warm bedding, and reading a great book or watching horrible gossipy television before shutting out the light, pulling up the covers and drifting off to the Land of Nod. I relish in this daily ritual.

In my pregnant state, I now go to bed earlier - sometimes as early as 8pm. And yes, the sun is still out a bit. Don't judge me. I'm tired. Most days I sleep until 6 or 7am, depending on whether my bladder or the dogs will let me sleep in. I'm definitely racking some quality hours. I wake up feeling so good. Very satisfied. And without the morning nausea, I'm almost a morning person. This is a new development, for sure.

The best part - the dreams. Such crazy, psychedelic, vivid dreams. I've had one about our baby - we were swimming together in the ocean, going to pet a whale. I've had several where animals talk to me - sort like the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland. My favorites, however, are the dreams where I'm telling people off - whoever angered me that day. I just let it fly. Hand gestures and sometimes my neck gets going like a sista and everything. Those are fun dreams. I often wake up wondering if I'd been flailing about. I do remember smacking my husband with my arm one night, waking both of us. He grumbled something, rolled over, and started snoring again, so it's all good.

I know that this is likely a passing enjoyment. Soon I'll be big in the belly and sleeping will be less comfortable. Until then, I plan to relish in the moment and catch as many Zzz's as possible. God knows once the kid is here, I'll be singing a different tune.

27 weeks and counting...

1 comment:

  1. mmmmm... I love sleep too! I just had a dream last night about costuming the actress from BSG. And then my friend was cheating on his wife, and I was racing to tell her...
    Where was I? I hope you get all the sleep you need. I won't judge you. Hell, I usually take a nap once a day, and I don't have any excuse like you do.

    Love ya!
