Saturday, July 10, 2010

22 Weeks!

Yesterday was a fun day.  I bought a week's worth of outfits for our little girl.  Well, I should say, I bought about seven pieces.  I do realize that it's likely that she could go through all seven in one day.  But it was fun.  And it makes me smile to see them hanging in our little girl's closet.  I know we'll get a ton of stuff by way of gifts and hand-me-downs, but I wanted her first fashion to come from me. 

I'm also experiencing something new this week.  Stares from strangers.  I can see their mind processing the question, "is she pregnant or plump?"  It makes me want a t-shirt that says something like, "not plump, baby bump."  Before I found myself in this state, I always thought that shirts like that were just stating the obvious.  Now I understand why pregnant women are attracted to them.  I've also discovered the first of what I'm sure will be a series of stretch marks.  Not on my belly, no, but on my already fabulously robust Finnish thighs.  Those damn Scandinavian genes!  Truly, though.  I don't mind so much.  It's sort of like a road map that shows how much I've grown.  A reminder of where I've been and where I'm going.  Nothing to get worked up about - maybe even something to be a wee bit proud of.  Not that I'm going to prance around in Daisy Dukes or anything...

18 weeks and counting...

1 comment:

  1. Oh I can't wait to buy her clothes and send her some of Audrey's!!! I've already been looking a wee bit- I know I should wait but I cannot help it! And btw, hilarious on the bump and stretch marks! I wish I could say the stretch marks disappear but they are a forever reminder of what you are going through to grow this little wee one!
