Ta-da! I made it. Today is our due date. We're due.
But as my doctor kindly reminded me yesterday as I must have been gazing upon her with a "please get her out" look, due dates are not deadlines, and babies do not keep to schedule.
That's a somewhat difficult concept for my type-A personality to embrace. Afterall, I stocked up on diapers four months ago. Grandma W has been here for two weeks with little to do because I went crazy and completed every "how to prepare for baby" checklist I could get my hands on. Good thing she has some sudoku puzzles. We are ready for this little one. So, baby Weygandt, COME ON DOWN!!
Seriously, kid. Come. Out.
0 days and counting...
Get used to it sweetie, you'll be on her schedule and her time for a long time! :-) hang in there! I love you!