Our baby girl is officially now a freeloader in my belly. Thus begins the guessing game - when is she going to arrive? This whole not knowing thing does not sit so well with my anal retentive planning genes.
At my doctor's appointment earlier in the week, the midwife took her best guess at the baby's weight after our ultrasound and doing some measurements. 7 pounds - give or take a pound either way. Not exactly precise. But still...I can live with 7 pounds. She also assured me that it was unlikely that the baby would be overly large nor overly small. Like Goldilocks, she's going to be "just right." But she is - at least according to the e-newsletters, blogs and books I read - officially the size of a watermelon. Yep. I knew the day would come, and here it is. Watermelon. Yikes.
During the ultrasound, I also caught a glimpse of the baby practicing her breathing skills, which was very good and I was happy to see that she has adopted the "practice makes perfect" mantra. Keep it up, kiddo.
This week also marked the last week of my commute to work. I'm not on leave yet - I'll continue working from home until I go into labor, or until my due date, whichever comes first. But I cannot tell you how happy I am to know that my commute here on out involves a few steps and a staircase. But don't let that staircase fool you - it can be a congested mess some mornings!
So, now it's really just a waiting game. Scott and I are trying to enjoy some low-key activities that will be more difficult with a newborn at home. Like taking in a movie. And I'm reading up on labor and freaking out at the slightest possible sign that maybe this is it? Maybe? Or maybe that's gas. Yep. Just gas. False alarm.
2 weeks, six days and counting...
i'm so excited for u!!!