Saturday, July 3, 2010

Dog Days of Summer

I think I'm just beginning to understand why people say that pregnancy in summer should be avoided, if possible.  Granted, I'm not ginormous and pregnant with twins like someone I work with this summer, but I'm still feeling a little sorry for myself over the following complaints:

1.  It's hot.  Fortunately, we moved to Colorado, and I'm embracing the dry heat and ever so thankful that I'm not in the DC humidity and mugginess.  But it's still hot.  And I get sweaty.  And then tired.  And thirsty.  And I eat too much ice cream.  And I can't sleep without a fan blowing directly on me.

2.  I'm swelling.  I swear, my feet grow a full size throughout the day.  And I think it's mostly because I'm hot.  Last night I had a work event that required a lot of walking and standing around, mostly outdoors.  Even though I wore the most comfortable sandals I own that aren't flip-flops and still matched my dress (sort of), I find myself nursing 6 blisters today and propping my feet up because already, early afternoon, they are starting to swell.  Again.  Blech.

3.  I'm itchy.  Swelling + heat + stretching skin makes one itchy.  And it isn't very pleasant.

4.  I'm cranky.  With the hot-ness, swelling and itchiness, it's understandable that a little irritability comes into play.  Okay, maybe a lot of irritability.  Maybe I'm a hot mess some days.  Deal with it.

But thankfully, I have a really sweet husband who sends me text messages to check in on me, finds me obscure musical downloads, makes chili dogs, and is getting better about walking so damn fast in stores.  He helps me take it down a notch.  I hope I don't break him.

19 weeks and counting...

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