Friday, June 18, 2010

Our Little Girl

If you haven't heard, Scott and I are having a little girl!  At our 18-week ultrasound earlier this week we learned that our baby is growing at the right rate, has two arms, two legs, a well-developed heart, a lovely little spine. . . basically that all the parts appear to be in the right places except no penis.  Because SHE'S A GIRL! 

Both Scott and I were convinced that we were having a boy.  I mean, truly, pretty darn sure.

As the ultrasound technician snapped pictures of our baby, Scott and I marveled at how flexible it was - at one point we saw feet go into or close to the mouth.  Then the doctor came in and asked if we were wanting to find out the sex.  We both cried, "yes!"  The ultrasound tech said, "I already know."  And the doc - very nonchalantly - said, "girl."



There was no doubt or hesitation in their voices.

Scott and I looked at each other with smiling, astonished faces.  Our little girl.  A daughter.

Then, Scott commented that we'll have to pay for a wedding someday and that we need to start saving now.  I laughed so hard.

I know a lot of couples choose not to find out the sex of their baby - and I totally respect that.  That surprise must be incredible.  For me, though, the bond I feel with this little one quadrupled that day.  No longer an "it" but a "she", she's taking on her identity.  She likes to move around a lot between 8:30 and 11:30 at night - a party girl.  She also liked Mom rocking out to Radiohead on the drive home yesterday.  But what girl doesn't like Thom Yourke?

I can't wait to see what else we have in common.

21 weeks, 1 day and counting...