Monday, May 31, 2010

A Room of His/Her Own

I spent the better part of the day yesterday in the once empty room that has now magically transformed into a nursery simply by adding a crib. Well, okay, not so "simply", but it is pretty shocking how adding one piece of furniture defines a room and nothing says "baby" like a crib. I had one of those moments yesterday, with allenwrench in hand, where I realized, holy shit, I'm having a baby and this is where it's going to sleep. In five months (give or take a few weeks), there will be a whole NEW PERSON in this room right here. A living, breathing, pooping, creature that we made. Here. In this room.

That's about when I took a lunch break.

I've heard from many a parent that putting a crib together is a pain in the ass. I kind of agree. Our crib was not the easiest piece of furniture to assemble. We've made many a trip to IKEA and put together some tricky pieces, and this crib probably falls somewhere in the middle. No desire to say, "F this!" and smash it to bits before finishing, but it definitely took more time to assemble than I thought something with four sides and a bottom should. But I'm quite pleased with the end product. And kudos to, too. Free shipping and no damage - not a scratch - and it arrived in four days. Take that Babies-R-Us and your three week waiting period! I also looked at some beautiful high-end cribs with my mother-in-law recently, and I have to say, they seem like a waste of money. The crib we picked it out is the perfect size for the room - not too big, not too small - and it converts to a toddler bed and adapts to a full-size headboard without an extra conversion kit. Win!

I also have to say that I am so glad that I decided to embark on this project now rather than waiting until the end of the second trimester or third. It was tricky enough without the huge belly to contend with, and I had plenty of energy to get the job done. I digress...

However many hours later, with the crib in its place, I glanced about the room looking for the next project. See, this is my problem. Once I get started, I can't stop until it's finished. Curtains were already hung - that's what I started with before the crib. No more furniture to assemble. Yet. I could move that shelf in the guest room closet to the baby's...wait...what's that? My eyes fell on the wall decals that Grandma W bought for us while visiting. Can I just say, SO CUTE! So very cute, I had to go buy a second tree decal for another wall.

So, phase one of our nursery project is now complete. That was probably the biggest chunk, too. The rest is really accessorizing. Maybe putting together a dresser or changing table. As soon as we figure out what exactly we plan to do there. Fortunately, we still have plenty of time to figure it out. Because yes, I am an anal retentive planner. And I'm okay with that.

23 weeks, 4 days and counting...

PS - pictures are coming! Check back...

Wednesday, May 26, 2010


I wonder what it feels like for the baby when I sneeze? Or laugh? Is it like a womb earthquake in there?

Tuesday, May 25, 2010

What A Feeling

Last night, I felt the baby for the first time. A day or so earlier, I thought that I may have felt it, but wasn't sure. That time, it was probably just gas. I think we did have Mexican that day. But this time, it was very distinct and I'm pretty certain it was the little one in there.

Today, I felt it again. Just a few minutes ago. After enjoying a strawberry frappucino. Baby likes Starbucks.

It sort of feels like little bubbles. Or a small goldfish swimming around for a second. The kind with the big beautiful fins.

So cool. A little weird. But mostly cool.

24 weeks, 4 days and counting.

Monday, May 24, 2010

Not What I Expected

Before Scott and I even started trying to get pregnant - when we were still in our early negotiations - I went out and bought the classic pregnancy guide, What to Expect While You're Expecting. You see, this is just how I roll. When venturing into something new, I go into research mode. I spend hours at the bookstore thumbing through whatever piques my interest on a particular subject separating "the good" from the "eh" often ending in a large purchase of reading material.

When I went on this first pregnancy book buying voyage, I didn't even bother to skim through What to Expect. I just picked it up and automatically placed it in the "to buy" pile. I went into the store knowing that I would buy it. I was excited. It was like a right of passage in womanhood or something. One very good friend did warn me that she didn't like the book. At all. And she strongly advised me against purchasing it. I ignored her.

I shouldn't have.

What to Expect really is a HORRIBLE book. It is a hypochondriac's worst nightmare. It should be retitled 1,001 Ways You Could KILL YOUR BABY or What Might Go Wrong During Your Pregnancy. I wasn't even pregnant yet when I started reading it and it sent me fleeing to Google for more information. And the internet, my friends, is a scary place.

I shelved the book quickly. I hid it on the top shelf of my closet. Under a handbag.

Now that I actually AM pregnant, I decided to pull it out again, thinking that maybe it wasn't so bad. I may have overreacted. Let's take another look.

Let's just say, the book just went up on my list of books available for swap on It's still horrible. It sucks all the joy out of pregnancy - and sometimes (let's admit it, ladies) it's tough to find joy IN pregnancy, what with the morning sickness, and bloating, and hormones and everything.

My advice - if you're looking for a "medical read", go with the Mayo Clinic Guide to a Healthy Pregnancy. The information is really easy to understand and access. The index of weird symptoms is easy to navigate. There's no condescending tone. The chapters are short (yay!). It's a good book. If you're looking for a funny read, Belly Laughs by Jenny McCarthy will get you there. You have to take some of what she says with a grain of salt (the whole bandaging her boobs since she wasn't breastfeeding was a little odd to me - but I try not to judge), but she really commiserates with you and it will make you laugh.

I'm about to venture into "childbirth" books. If you have suggestions that aren't too hippy-ish, send 'em my way. I can take a little crunch - I even support it - but this baby WILL be born in a hospital. Not in some inflatable pool in our living room.

24 weeks, 5 days and counting...

Saturday, May 22, 2010

15 Weeks!

I am now well into the second trimester. All the nausea and weird food aversions of the first trimester have now gone away. It's awesome. I have more energy now, can sleep like a champ, and the nesting instinct is kicking in just a bit. Pretty sure we'll be pulling the trigger on a crib in the next few days. I can't wait to start getting into the nursery and decorating. It will make it all seem more real.

I know I've also been a bit quieter on this blog lately. Truthfully, I don't have a whole lot to report. We're doing well - the baby is growing. It's evidently now the size of a naval orange! So, things have been a bit uneventful as of late. It's a nice state of being.

24 weeks, 6 days and counting...

Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Contract It Out

It seems that my first phase of nesting is to get rid of all the household chores that don't agree with me and contract them out. What's even better is the hubs has not taken issue with this phenomenon yet. In fact, he himself, has taken part in the activity.

Thus far, we have hired someone to pick up and dispose of our dog's poop in the backyard and deliver our milk, dairy and bread - a regular, old fashioned "milk man"! Not the same person, mind you. I am currently researching who we can pay to clean our house for us. After that - maybe a veggie delivery service. A nice CSA, perhaps? That might be the straw that breaks the husband's back, though. He hates vegetables.

I will contest, however, that pregnancy has not made me lazy. Oh, no. It has made me more efficient. (wink).

Sunday, May 9, 2010

Babies - A Review

Last night, I went to see the new Babies documentary by French film-maker Thomas Balmes. The film traces the first year in the life of four babies from opposite corners of the globe: San Franciso, Tokyo, rural Mongolia and Namibia.

To say that the theater was filled with cooing and "oooh's" and "aaah's" (many from this very writer) would be an understatement. The film is literally about 80 minutes of pull on your heartstrings imagery, reducing anyone with a heart to a pile of mush. From the first hint of a smile on a baby's face to the triumphant grin as he stands upright by himself for the very first time, it's an interesting glimpse into the remarkable development that occurs during that important first year.

Some of the film's images are very familiar and comfortable. The American baby, Hattie, bouncing joyously like a mini ballerina in her swing. The large group of Moms and babies in a circle in Tokyo clapping and singing. But others...not so much. Like the Mongolian baby, Bayar, climbing naked on a rusty oil can as a herd of cattle approach. My friend kept saying "ouch" as I covered my eyes and cringed in fear that the child was going to give himself a circumcision.

What surprised me about the film was that it was very much like watching a wildlife show with no narration. There's no dialogue, except for the little bits and pieces I was able to pick up from the American family. You definitely get the gyst of what's happening, but I often wished that there was some familiar Oprah sounding voice telling me what exactly was going on, exactly how old that kid is now, and why the woman in Africa used a corn cob to wipe her kid's ass. I'm not judging - I just needed some context!

But, never-mind the different child-rearing methods depicted in the film. I did walk away with this sense of calm and community. As an expectant Mom who can be overwhelmed by the information in pregnancy books and the internet (I spent over four hours researching cloth diapering online the other day), it's nice to see that women in the most "advanced" societies are having healthy babies at the same time as women in the most remote village of Africa. And they all survived. The babies were all fine. And so were the Moms. Even without an epidural or, for that matter, a bed. We've been doing this for millions of years - sometimes nature really does just have a way of taking charge.

So, yes. Babies is a fun film to see. But it might be better in your own native habitat. Definitely see it - but wait for the DVD.

Happy Mother's Day!

As a Mom-to-be, I'm thinking of my Mom with a whole new appreciation this morning. It took me 31 years, but now I get it.

Love you, Mom.

I was also delighted and surprised to come downstairs and discover my very first Mother's Day present from my husband. Recently, I've developed an affection for baking bread. So, I am now the proud owner of a bread maker and some fancy sourdough mix. Scott looked at me grinning as I examined the goods and said, "it's a theme gift."

"Bread themed?"

"Bun in the oven."

My husband is so cute.

Happy Mother's Day to all the Moms out there - and hugs and warm wishes to all those missing their Moms.

Saturday, May 8, 2010

13 Weeks!

I am officially through the first trimester!

[insert fanfare here].

Can I just say, the second trimester - so far - could kick the first trimester's ass any day. I have more energy, am no longer as green as Kermit, and finally feel like myself again.

Cool things are happening with the baby too. It has fingerprints! Seriously. Fingerprints. It's little body is finally catching up with it's giant head, and we should start looking more proportionate over the next several weeks. It has a fully developed digestive system and the intestines that were formerly outside it's body (as part of the umbilical cord) have now magically moved inside its body. Thank goodness. Biology is way freaky.

And I hear that I can now expect to gain on average a pound a week over the next three months. The overachiever that I am, I'm pretty sure I knocked off just the first five this week. I woke up this morning feeling HUGE! Seriously, as I rolled ever so non-elegantly out of bed this morning, I caught a glimpse of a thigh and it ain't pretty. Overall, I still look more chubby than preggy, but I am officially living in maternity pants or comfy drawers with forgiving elastic bands (affectionately deemed "my eating pants").

The fun part this week? Some of that nesting desire has kicked in. I spent nearly the entire day yesterday researching items for our baby registry and trying to figure out just how to configure the furniture we haven't purchased yet in the nursery. I know that probably sounds horribly anal retentive, but it's really my happy place. I love to plan and make notes and research things online. I am going to be good at this nesting thing. Except for that whole trying to keep the rest of the house in order thing...yeah, that's not really happening these days. Baby stuff is much more fun.

26 weeks, 6 days and counting...

Friday, May 7, 2010


Pregnancy sleep is the most amazing sleep ever.

Seriously. Ever. Forever and ever the end.

I haven't slept this well since my honeymoon when we'd fall asleep after a day of sun and rum drinks and heat to the sound of waves on the shore. It was a type of satisfaction that only a tropical all-inclusive resort vacation can deliver.

This might even be better.

And I KNOW sleep. I am a sleep enthusiast and champion. If sleeping were a professional sport, I would be sponsored by Serta. I love to sleep. I look forward to it every day. I love the ritual of it: getting a glass (or in my case, a special mini-pitcher) of water, taking it up to bed, changing into pj's, climbing into a big bed full of pillows and soft, warm bedding, and reading a great book or watching horrible gossipy television before shutting out the light, pulling up the covers and drifting off to the Land of Nod. I relish in this daily ritual.

In my pregnant state, I now go to bed earlier - sometimes as early as 8pm. And yes, the sun is still out a bit. Don't judge me. I'm tired. Most days I sleep until 6 or 7am, depending on whether my bladder or the dogs will let me sleep in. I'm definitely racking some quality hours. I wake up feeling so good. Very satisfied. And without the morning nausea, I'm almost a morning person. This is a new development, for sure.

The best part - the dreams. Such crazy, psychedelic, vivid dreams. I've had one about our baby - we were swimming together in the ocean, going to pet a whale. I've had several where animals talk to me - sort like the Cheshire Cat in Alice in Wonderland. My favorites, however, are the dreams where I'm telling people off - whoever angered me that day. I just let it fly. Hand gestures and sometimes my neck gets going like a sista and everything. Those are fun dreams. I often wake up wondering if I'd been flailing about. I do remember smacking my husband with my arm one night, waking both of us. He grumbled something, rolled over, and started snoring again, so it's all good.

I know that this is likely a passing enjoyment. Soon I'll be big in the belly and sleeping will be less comfortable. Until then, I plan to relish in the moment and catch as many Zzz's as possible. God knows once the kid is here, I'll be singing a different tune.

27 weeks and counting...

Tuesday, May 4, 2010


Pregnancy is the ultimate trump card for competition. Your gotcha line is always, "yeah, but can you do it while growing a human being inside your body?"

Thought not.

Monday, May 3, 2010

I like those odds...

Just heard back from the genetic specialist with excellent news. Our risk of Downs is 1 in 7,500 and our risk of Trisomy 18 is 1 in 10,000. Those are good odds.

I'm feeling just great. Had another ultrasound with our nurse midwife this morning. It was pretty superfluous, actually. We had scheduled it before our fancy schmancy screening test was scheduled, but I didn't want to cancel. Give me a chance to take a peek at that little one, and I'm totally game. Everything looks great! We are "progressing beautifully" as the midwife said. The baby was really active and swimming around like crazy. It's all just too exciting.

27 weeks, 5 days and counting...

How to Annoy Me:

Want to annoy me? Cut in front of me and my three measly items at Target with your giant ass cart when there are no other lines open.

How I wish I had my big pregnant belly to pull a major guilt trip over on you. Maybe I can whip up some tears...